A ENERGX CVT, the AC mains powers the input which is widely separated physically from the solated output winding. The input winding normally runs at very moderate Flux linkage levels. The output winding exhibits energy characteristic and this energy storage operates in conjunction with mains capacitor to produce self generated AC flux field which is indirectly excited from the winding.

The result is instantaneous voltage regulation and spikes. Sine wave output.
A perfect answer for every electronic equipment.

Salient Features
A ENERGX CVT, the AC mains powers the input which is widely separated physically from the solated output winding. The input winding normally runs at very moderate Flux linkage levels. The output winding exhibits energy characteristic and this energy storage operates in conjunction with mains capacitor to produce self generated AC flux field which is indirectly excited from the winding.

The result is instantaneous voltage regulation and spikes. Sine wave output.
A perfect answer for every electronic equipment.


Input Voltage 180V-260V (other choices on request)
Line Frequency 50Hz
Output Voltage 220/230 1%
Output Stepload response 2 cycles (30 to 40 milliseconds)
Efficiency 90% (approx) under full load condition
Output Waveform Sinusoidal
Waveform Distortion 5% (approx) under full load conditions
Load Power Factor 0.75% lag to 0.9% load
Ambient Temperature -5°Cto50°C
Transformer Type Ferro-Resonant
Effect of Frequency 1.6% (approx) change in output voltage for every 1% line frequency